The government owned corporations are termed as Public sector Undertakings (PSUs) in India. In a PSU majority (51% or more) of the paid share capital is held by central government or by any state government or partly by the central government and partly by one or more state governments. Several PSUs under the aegis of Government of India regularly provide tremendous employment opportunities in various technical and management areas.

Maharatna PSUs:

Maharatna is the status given to top public sector enterprises where the companies have the authority to make foreign investments of upto Rs. 5,000 crores without taking any government approval. To be qualified as Maharatna, the company should gain an annual net profit of over Rs. 5,000 crores, net worth of Rs. 15,000 crores and turnover of Rs. 25,000 crores over past three consecutive years. At present the companies which have Maharatna status are: BHEL, BPCL, CIL, GAIL, HPCL, IOCL, NTPC, ONGC, PGCIL & SAIL.

Navratna PSUs:

Navratna status is conferred to the companies by the Department of Public Enterprises. To be qualified as a Navratna, the company must obtain a score of 60 out of 100. The score is based on six parameters which include net profit to net worth, total manpower cost to total cost of production or cost of services, PBDIT (Profit before depreciation, interest and taxes) to capital employed, PBDIT to turnover, EPS (Earning per Share) and inter-sectoral performance. Additionally, a company must first be a Miniratna and have four independent directors on its board before it can be made a Navratna. The Navratna status gives privileges to enhance financial and operational autonomy and empowers to invest up to Rs. 1000 crores or 15% of their net worth on a single project without seeking government approval. In a year, these companies can spend up to 30% of their net worth not exceeding Rs. 1000 crores. They will also have the freedom to enter joint ventures, form alliances and float subsidiaries abroad.

Status Number Of PSUs
Maharatna 11
Navratna 13
Miniratna Category- I 61
Miniratna Category- II 12

PSUs Salary Structure

Organization11 Status Salary Structure
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) Maharatna Rs. 60,000-1,80,000
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) Maharatna Rs. 60,000-1,80,000
National Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC) Maharatna Rs. 60,000-1,80,000
Coal India Limited (CIL) Maharatna Rs. 60,000-1,80,000
Steel Authority of India (SAIL) Maharatna Rs. 60,000-1,80,000
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) Maharatna Rs. 60,000-1,80,000
Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) Maharatna Rs. 60,000-1,80,000
Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited(NLC) Navratna Rs.20600-46500
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) Navratna Rs. 60,000-1,80,000
Oil India Limited (OIL) Navratna Rs. 60,000-1,80,000
Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) Navratna Rs. 60,000-1,80,000
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) Navratna Rs.16,400-Rs. 40,500
National Mineral Development Corporation Limited (NMDC) Navratna Rs. 40000-140000
Power Finance Corporation Limited Navratna Rs. 40,000-1,40,000
National Aluminum Company Limited (NALCO) Navratna Rs. 60,000-1,80,000
Mazagaon Docks Limited (MDL) Mini-Ratna Rs. 40,000-1,40,000
Airport Authority Of India Limited (AAI) Mini-Ratna Manager:Rs.60,000-1,80,000
Junior Executive: Rs. 40,000-1,40,000
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) Mini-Ratna Level 10 of the Pay Matrix
– 7th CPC (Rs.56,100/-)
Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited Mini-Ratna Rs. 60,000-1,80,000

PSUs Age Criteria

Organization Age Criteria
Bridge & Roof co. (I) Ltd 24 years 24-27 years 29 years 29 years-General 32 years-OBC 34 years- SC/ST
BHEL 27 years 27-30 years 32 years 32 years-General 35 years-OBC 37 years- SC/ST
ONGC 30 years 30-33 years 35 years 35 years-General 38 years-OBC 40 years- SC/ST
NTPC 27 years 27-30 years 32 years 32 years-General 35 years-OBC 37 years-SC/ST
SAIL 30 years 30-33 years 35 years 35 years-General 38 years-OBC 40 years- SC/ST
IOCL 26 years 26-29 years 31 years 31 years-General 34 years-OBC 36 years- SC/ST
ISRO 28 years 28-31 years 33 years 33 years-General 36 years-OBC 38 years- SC/ST
PGCIL 28 years 28-31 years 33 years 33 years-General 36 years-OBC 38 years- SC/ST
HAL 28 years 28-31 years 33 years 33 years-General 36 years-OBC 38 years- SC/ST
NALCO 30 years 30-33 years 35 years 33 years-General 36 years-OBC 38 years- SC/ST
GAIL 28 years 28-31 years 33 years 33 years-General 36 years-OBC 38 years- SC/ST
DRDO 28 years 28-31 years 33 years 33 years-General 36 years-OBC 38 years- SC/ST
DMRC 28 years 28-31 years 33 years 33 years-General 36 years-OBC 38 years- SC/ST
GAIL 26 years 26-29 years 31 years 31 years-General 34 years-OBC 36 years- SC/ST
BPCL 28 years 28-31 years 33 years 33 years-General 36 years-OBC 38 years- SC/ST
MTNL 30 years 30-33 years 35 years 35 years-General 38 years-OBC 40 years- SC/ST
HPCL 25 years 25-28 years 30 years 30 years-General 33 years-OBC 35 years- SC/ST
BEL 25 years 25-28 years 30 years 30 years-General 33 years-OBC 35 years- SC/ST
BARC 28 years 28-31 years 33 years 33 years-General 36 years-OBC 38 years- SC/ST
Indian Railways 22 to 35 age Group 22 to 35 age group + relaxable upto 3 years 22 to 35 age group +relaxable by 5 years 22 to 35 age group + 5 years-General 8 years-OBC 10 years- SC/ST
VIZAG STEEL 25 years 25-28 years 30 years 30 years-General 33 years-OBC 35 years- SC/ST
NHPC 30 years 30-33 years 35 years 35 years-General 38 years-OBC 40 years- SC/ST
BSNL 30 years 30-33 years 35 years 35 years-General 38 years-OBC 40 years- SC/ST
PRASAR BHARATI 27 years 27-30 years 32 years 32 years-General 35 years-OBC 37 years-SC/ST

PSUs Percentage Criteria

Organization Streams Applicable Percentage
BHEL EC, EE, ME, MT 60 60 60 60
ONGC ECE, EE, ME, CE, CS, IN, CH, 60 60 60 60
NTPC EC, EE, ME, EC, CS, IN 65 65 55 55
SAIL EC ,EE,ME,CS, IN, CH, Metallurgy, Ceramics 65 65 55 55
IOCL EC, EE, ME, CE, CS, IN 65 65 55 55
ISRO EC, EE, ME, CS 65 65 65 65
PGCIL EC, EE, ME, Industrial, Production CS, IN ,  EE, ME, CS, IT, C&I, 65 65 pass pass
NALCO  EE, ME, CS, IT, C&I,   Civil, Chemical, Metallurgy, Mining, 65 65 55 55
GAIL  EC, EE, ME, CS, IN, CH 65 65 60 60
DRDO  EC, ME, EE, CS, CH 60 60 55 55
DMRC  EC, EE, ME, CE 60 60 55 55
BPCL  ME, CS, IN 60 60 55 55
MTNL EC, EE, CS, IT 60 60 55 55
HPCL EC, EE, ME, CE, IN, CH 60 60 50 50
BEL EC, EE, ME, CE, CS, CH, Telecommunication 60 60 pass pass
Indian Railways EC, EE, ME, CE pass pass pass pass
ECIL EC, EE, ME, CE, CS, E&I 65 65 55 55
VIZAG STEEL EC, EE, ME, CE, CH,  IN, Ceramics, 60 60 50 50
NHPC EE, ME, CE 60 60 50 50
SJVNL EC, EE, ME, Civil, IT 55 50 50 50
BSNL Telecommunication, EC, Radio, CS, EE, IT, CE 60 60 55 55
BHARATI PRASAR EC, EE, IT pass pass pass pass


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